Portuguese Sides/ Snacks/ Soups

Caldo verde (Green broth)

'Caldo verde' is the most traditional soup in Portugal. Is made with a type of cabbage that grows pretty much everywhere in Portugal, is called 'couve galega' or' couve portuguesa'. In the UK the closest I found to it is dark leafy fresh greens. The other secret is the chorizo, which is very easy to… Continue reading Caldo verde (Green broth)

other delicious bits, Sweets

Biscoff and bourbon biscuit cake

My son is 3 years old and loves sweet things, of course. His favourite biscuits are the biscoff and bourbon kind. Well, can you blame him? They are lovely! I thought, why not combine them and create a cake inspired on both, with both tastes? This 2 tier cake is delicious and there are no… Continue reading Biscoff and bourbon biscuit cake

Pratos Principais, Receitas e artigos em Português

´Valsichas´ enroladas em couve

Quem será que se lembrou que salsichas e couve seriam uma combinação tão boa? É ótimo, com o molho branco adicional. Eu costumava comer este prato quando era bem mais nova (e claro, com salsichas de porco, infelizmente). A minha tia de Lisboa cozinhava isto para nós sempre que eu ia passar lá alguns dias… Continue reading ´Valsichas´ enroladas em couve

Mains, other delicious bits

Creamy courgette and mushroom orzo pasta

This dish takes 20 minutes to make and is absolutely delicious! You can add other vegetables if you prefer, keeping the proportions the same. Nowadays is so easy to find vegan alternatives of different cheeses, that getting soft cheese is not a difficult or expensive task. What a treat! What you need: 2 medium courgettes,… Continue reading Creamy courgette and mushroom orzo pasta